Sunday, April 3, 2011

Compromising Differences

You write such deep, creative poems
that I cannot conceptualize,
with fancy words, alliterate
or criticize and castigate--
you like to get a “rise.”

I write about the simple things,
within these do hypothesize
the niceties that we all see--
a garden path, a turning tree,
with me there’s no surprise.
Each makes a choice poetically
and one may like to theorize
we’re different to a fair degree,
but there’s no animosity
our common link is poetry--
that’s how we compromise.

©Copyright G. Brannan October 2010
One Shot Poetry Wednesday 4/26/2011


  1. I like the rhythm you've created here. Nice flow.

  2. Thank you Ginny, for writing this! The line, "I write about the simple things" is so appropriate for me. You have made it seem okay to just sit down and write simple things from a simple heart. Beautifully said...and VERY encouraging.

  3. so true...we each have been given a voice...some choose to mimic others but true artists use the one they have been given unashamedly...

  4. poems are free to roam any realm, any territory of our hearts and minds...i always envision a blank canvas that one steps into which has no limitations and total freedom to express ourselves...your poem leaves me feeling so much better about writing poetry...i get lost in big words, perhaps not meant to intimidate, yet leaving me feel lost when reading words which i hoped would leave me with something to carry with me always...your poem has captured my heart...thank you...

  5. Some poems are about bigger things but they only work if they hook us in with the fine grain or simple things of the world. Form like scaffold is only a means to an end!


Thank you for reading my poetry and sharing your thoughts.