Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Five Months

The clock resets

there is no back, only forward

while heart yearns for what once was,

and mind wonders what will be…

And we? We float in the limbo in-between.

Friend wife, mother, caregiver, lover…

I have been all of these, who am I now?

It is hard to see ourselves as others may, 

be defined inside of someone’s expectations.

Sentimentalist?  Realist?

There is no right or wrong.

There are times when I‘ve felt lost

in the moment, let thoughts wander,

and wonder why this had to be?

But for all that others go through 

all the pain and anguish

the grief and the uncertainty,

then really, why not me?

And so the clock resets

and I move forward, no regrets

as heart remembers what once was,

  and mind wonders what will be.



© Ginny Brannan 9/7/2021



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