Saturday, September 10, 2011



attacks unprovoked
innocence, raped by hatred
resolve forged by fire

© Ginny Brannan September 2011

Image: Google Images 9/11

“Gone, but NEVER Forgotten”  Dedicated to the memory of all lives lost from the vicious attacks on 9/11/01
Our scarred hearts still bleed…

Shared at d'Verse, In Memoriam 9/10/11


  1. wow you pack a lot of emo in there...raped is an apropo word here...and resolve was tempered...nicely done...

  2. Impressive what you said with 10 words. Yes, our hearts still bleed. Peace

    California Ink in Motion

  3. Few words but everyone strong Ginny, I tend to agree with Brian here, raped is the most appropriate word for the loss of innoccence that occured on that fateful day

  4. Incredibly powerful for so few words. Truly a compact poem with impacted emotion.


  5. Impressive. So much in few words, and yes, I think it is very true our scarred hearts still bleed.

  6. yes they do. A simple and moving statement-- poetry is and must be at the end of it all a statement straight from the poet's heart--great job. xxxj

  7. This image was played over and over again in Tahiti as I stood there watching this happen so far away but feeling the tragic of this event and the lives it would affect for years to come

  8. Yes well played Ginny. Strong tribute. Here's my reply to the comments on mine (which I pulled out of the prompt pretty soon as I realised it was just too inflammatory and provocative) -

    I am 99.9% sure, from what I researched, and what I’ve observed in the behaviour of those in power since (I’m talking above Presidential level, the Pres has little power), that a) Osama bin Laden had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 and was used as a scapegoat and an excuse to go to war into a region where control was desired mainly to secure the oil, b) he was never killed in that stakeout, he died of an illness in December. He may be still alive; certainly, that was complete bullshit for several reasons, c) there is a strong possibility that it was an ‘inside job’. Hard to believe, I know, but several things point to this also. Osama was no saint, he was a known terrorist/terrorist activity financial supporter and I’m not sad he’s gone.

    d) ‘Al Qaeda’ never existed. It’s a fabrication, there is no global group of terrorists called ‘Al Qaeda’. This is part of the scapegoating and demonising necessary in the aftermath to go to war. ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ in Iraq we all know of course never existed, and the war on Iraq was predicated on Saddam having these. Everyone seemed to forget about that when they couldn’t find any. The message in my poem is clear, though… if the faked death of Osama can get him re-elected over warmongering Repubs who use, like Bush, fear politics to gain and stay in power, and helps him earn the Peace Prize, then it’s a white lie in my opinion. But as I say, he has little control. He has tried to close Guantanamo Bay, for instance, and ben blocked by the Pentagon and the CIA.

    Whatever, the fact remains – 9/11 happened, whoever was behind it and for whatever reasons, and was the most shocking and horrific thing I have ever witnessed in live television. Even without live television it was hugely shocking to the whole world, so I can’t even begin to imagine haw it must have felt to Americans. I honour that today is a tribute and memorial to those that died and those that gave their lives saving other/trying to save others.

    I would, however, like to see this kind of gesture made globally for all the innocent Iraqis and Afghanis killed by ten years of a war that never should have happened. And ask why Powerful Western nations think it’s OK to play World Police in selective areas. Where there is oil, of course. What about Myanmar/Burma? Or North Korea? Or Tibet? Or Parts of East and Central Africa? Or Zimbabwe?

    As for ‘U.S. bashing’ – not at all, the British are in it with you. We are spending a billion pounds a day continuing fighting.

    Much respect and warmth as always Ginny


  9. wow watched a video clip last night which stated pretty similar to what Luke was saying ~ v scary ~ all of it ~ how in so few words you managed to pack such a punch but you did ~ raped ~ yes ~ innocence culled ~ damn good Ginny ~ nailed ~ Lib

  10. That 2nd line was a doozey, Ginny. And, sadly, once innocence is lost, it's lost.

  11. You summed it up perfectly. So sad but true.

  12. Profound words for such a short piece. Yet what else is there to say. smiles.

  13. I find many Haiku are merely a random group of syllables just to keep the count correct...this one however, is powerful and right on target. Nice job!


Thank you for reading my poetry and sharing your thoughts.