Thursday, October 3, 2019

Reflections in the Looking Glass

We’re not the kids we used to be…
the heat we carried in our youth
has mellowed now to steady warmth
ignited by a deeper truth…

If I were to speak of love,
to define it’s subtleties–
there are no words that would describe
this depth of feeling that I have.
From the moment we first met
I knew exactly who you were.
Together we have overcome
each obstacle dropped in our path.
I think that you are my reward
for all the things that I’ve done right.
I steep inside the memories 
of the laughter that we’ve shared
the friendships formed, the folks we’ve lost
the paths that you and I have crossed.

Life’s a map of many roads
and we have dreams left to fulfill
so in this moment I'll confide—
You bring out the best in me.
I can face ‘most anything
—the ups, the downs, the in-betweens—
  as long as you are here with me
  and I have you by my side..

© Ginny Brannan 2019

Dedicated to my better half. Looking forward to the roads still ahead!

1 comment:

Thank you for reading my poetry and sharing your thoughts.