Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all"
Emily Dickinson
* * * * * * * * * * * *
It matters little who we have
we face the darkness on our own;
though well-intentioned offer help
deep inside we stand alone.
We reach for lifelines out of grasp
while seconds float away, unmeasured;
till finally we face our foe.
Courage comes when all is lost—
on tattered wings fly hidden treasure:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers
So we adapt as life evolves
and often we must start again,
set a course in new direction—
make conscious choice to sink or swim.
Through each trial a lesson learned
yet there’s so little we control--
still we search to find completeness,
even as the songbird seeks
the melody that makes it whole;
one that perches in the soul.
Ever striving for perfection
as indecisive egos fail;
hitting road blocks without signs,
emotions cloaked behind gray veil.
Where’s the person we once knew?
Suddenly the lines are blurred—
we barely recognize ourselves,
and friends—they see a ‘mournful’ dove
the humblest of all the birds—
that sings the song without words
This tune should be familiar now
we hear it echo through the night,
as we balance on that brink
between the darkness and the light.
Determined now, we seek the dawn
while guided by that lone bird’s call
the path grows clearer with each step
and ever forward, we trek on
and "hope” survives despite each fall
and never stops at all
© Ginny Brannan
Started in 2013, One of two Glosa's using lines from "Hope" by Emily Dickinson.
There are several slant rhymes sprinkled throughout this, I think Miss Em would approve!
First share here for April NaPoWriMo 2019
The first Glosa to use these lines, shared in 2013: "Finding The Melody"