Monday, October 15, 2018

Bobbing for Apples

Ever so quickly now, darkness falls,
along with leaves from yonder oak:
they skitter down the quiet street.
piling up against the poles
and blanketing the shrubs and grass.
Caught on the wind, the smell of smoke,
of wood fires warding off the chill
announcing colder days ahead
as jack-o’lanterns still evoke
sweet memories of childhood past.
Shhhh, quiet! You can hear them still—
those laughing children in disguise,
bobbing for apples, playing games...
their trick or treat bags overflow
held close in the images I've amassed.

While we immerse in warm repast
reminiscing upon our tales of old…
Autumn once more reconvenes
transporting us back to childhood dreams.

© Ginny Brannan 2018

Happy birthday to SJM. Remembering the Octobers of our childhood. You would invite us to your house for your birthday party. We'd come in costume, bob for apples, play games. Had to love those stiff plastic masks with the elastic to hold them on. Couldn't hardly see out the eyes or breath through the nose! Ahhh, sweet memories of youth!!

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