Monday, March 23, 2015

The Break-Up

I have lingered in this darkness much too long
waiting for the veil to lift—the sun to shine—a bright new dawn.
Aint it funny how you had your say, had your way, and then were gone…
leaving me to feel your icy bite, the endless night —as your response.

Less than taciturn, you made me ache, you made me hurt; I felt the burn;
yet in that moment you adjourned, I concede—a lesson learned.
I look out to see the dawn has come and I confirm, the tide has turned.
as I watch the darkness dissipate I anticipate that life returns...

I have survived to face another day without your were so wrong.

© Ginny Brannan 2015

Image: C. Parant Appetite for Photos, used with expressed permission

In this piece I have personified winter, which just doesn’t want to go away. Like a bad relationship, I am so over it! This is set to a song I've had in my head for days, an instrumental piece with horns and a sort of Spanish rhythm. Can't place the song, but this is set to that rhythm. Still editing.

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