Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Magpie #1!

Image by Mostafa Habibi
Quite a predicament;
unforeseen circumstances
impossible to predict.
Can’t keep my head above water.
Keep moving” they said,
Set your sights on the goal”
Aim for the prize”
Now I’m caught in the quick
defenseless; while target remains illusive.

© Ginny Brannan December 2011
*This is an Acrostic--the first letter of each line forms a word vertically

**Magpie Tales #95--Poem #1!!**
Sharing at Magpie Tales--they provide the image, we provide the story!


  1. authentic poetry, smiles.


    Hope all is well.

    Come join our poetry picnic today,

    Random poems are welcome in case you don’t have a theme fitting one.
    First time participants can submit 1 to 3 random poems,

    Best wishes.
    Happy Holidays.
    Looking forward to seeing you share.

  2. Oh, I didn't see this one. Very good!


Thank you for reading my poetry and sharing your thoughts.