Sunday, March 12, 2023

Letting Go...


I know too many strong women

who'd never see it that way;

they sacrifice for others every day

for their jobs, their families, 

but never for themselves.

They would rather die a thousand deaths

than admit that they, too, 

might like looking after.

It’s a hard lesson to learn—

to stop, to step away, to regroup;

to remember that NO is an answer, too.

Our insecurities haunt us…

Yet, it’s only when we give up the idea

 that we can control everything,

 that we can do everything,

 that we finally find peace.


We’ve been beating ourselves up for far too long…

         Isn’t it time to just let go?


© Ginny Brannan 2023

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lost in Translation


So fast to pass judgment, so quick to criticize

whenever someone lives outside the confines of your norm—

how long before you realize all the ones you’ve victimized,

the many you have ostracized because they don’t conform?

You believe in black and white, day is day and night is night,

boys are boys and girls are girls and that's how it should be.

But we each see things differently,  I accept all equally

while you proclaim them ‘deviant,’ aberrant in your sight.

So quickly you embrace ideas that play to one another’s fears

never looking further than the lies that you dispense—

now someone I thought I knew shares his narrow point of view

reduced into a bigot who embraces ignorance.


© Ginny Brannan 2023