Sunday, September 20, 2020

No Apologies

Family, friends, acquaintances
we give away shards of who we are

pieces of the whole. 

You left a hole, an empty space 

something I can’t quite put a finger on.

   We never hung out

      never met in person.

But I know you had depth. Layers.

That like so many of us you’d been broken.

That because of that brokenness 

you loved and lived with passion.

You never minced words.

You had an appreciation for the “real”

       in all of us.


So glad our paths crossed

and, no matter how briefly,

  that I called you friend.


© G.Brannan 2020

"...he gave what he had...a premature epitaph

not recorded in granite, or soil
but in the hands of a stranger
that needed a hug

aren't we all strangers"

-- Rob Dyer

Excerpt from "Strangers." R.I..P. Rob